Micro but Mighty.

From pharmaceuticals to food to cosmetics - there is nothing our mighty microbes can’t do.

The World’s First Chemists.

Microbes naturally produce an endless array of highly bioactive compounds. By harnessing their abilities, we can produce complex molecules in a process that’s not only highly efficient but also completely sustainable and renewable. It allows us to produce high purity and valuable extracts without toxic chemicals, reducing the reliance on petrochemicals and paving the way for a greener future.

A Brand New Extract.

We extract our water-based extracts ourself, utilising our own patented process. The process uses only purified water as a solvent.

The manufacturing of our extracts and our products all take place in our Research and Development laboratory on the Sunshine Coast.

What’s a Microbe?

A microbe is a tiny, microscopic organism that can only be seen with a microscope. It includes a wide variety of life forms, such as bacteria, fungi, and algae. Microbes are found everywhere—from the soil and water to the human body even down in oil wells/volcanic vents?. Did you know there are more microbes in your body than your own cells? Despite their small size, microbes are essential for life on Earth, driving many processes that support ecosystems and human health.

Our Microbes.

Arthrospira Platensis

The scientific name is Arthrospira platensis, but you probably know them better as Spirulina. Spirulina is a blue green algae packed full of nutrients, in particular antioxidants, that are as beneficial to eat as they are for your skin.

Our Spirulina is grown by us on the Sunshine Coast.

Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

Commonly referred to as brewer’s or baker’s yeast, these little guys are made up of unique proteins and starches as well as an array of B vitamins. Delicious on your toast as vegemite, and even more delicious on your skin (with a little bit of processing of course).

Our yeast is grown by a local brewery on the Sunshine Coast.

Microbes are natures circular economy.

Microbes break down and reuse everything around us. What we call rot is just microbes doing their job and breaking something down so something else can use that energy.

At Ocean Orchards this process of energy moving through different life is part of our microbes DNA so its a part of our DNA too. We actively work at developing new methods for our microbes to not only do their jobs but do them in really interesting ways. For instance our Spirulina are being used to convert atmospheric CO2 into a carbon negative concrete. The yeast that we produce our peptides from once had a life where they made beer.

Why Microbes are the Best.

We Don’t Steal Farms or Forests.

Microbes can grow on non-arable land, which means unlike other plants used for cosmetics production, they do not compete with plants grown for food. They also don’t require any further land clearing!

Some kinds of microbes like microalgae use photosynthesis to produce energy. This means that they sequester carbon just like other plants. However, since they lack the structure of higher plants and waste less energy on building that, they sequester carbon at up to 50x the rate of regular plants.

Carbon Capture at its Finest.

A lot of different organisms fall under the term microbe - microalgae, yeast, bacteria - and in each group there are a lot of different species. It is estimated that there might be up to 800,000 different species of microalgae alone! This means that the kinds of compounds that can be produced and extracted is almost endless.

Unique & Diverse